ber borochov artinya
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- Major theoreticians of the Labor Zionist movement included Moses Hess, Nachman Syrkin, Ber Borochov, and Aaron David Gordon and leading figures in the movement included David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, and Berl Katznelson.
Teoritius utama Zionisme Buruh adalah Moses Hess, Nahum Syrkin, Ber Borochov dan Aaron David Gordon, sementara pemimpin utama gerakan ini adalah David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir dan Berl Katznelson. - After the death of theorist Ber Borochov, the left-wing and centrist of Poalei Zion split in February 1919 with Ben-Gurion and his friend Berl Katznelson leading the centrist faction of the Labor Zionist movement.
Setelah kematian teori Ber Borochov, sayap kiri dan kanan sayap split Poale Sion pada tahun 1919 dengan Ben-Gurion dan temannya Berl Katznelson memimpin faksi kanan gerakan Zionis Ketenagakerjaan.